Saturday, December 18, 2010

The C.Lighty LP REVIEW

The C.Lighty LP does what the EP failed to do. Which is keep me listing to the ENTIRE mixtape, more then once.Don't get me wrong, I liked the EP but after a few times of listing to it, the thing lost its edge. The C.Lighty LP shows a MAJOR IMPROVEMENT from the EP. While the EP was walking along the kiddish ways of Lighty, the LP seems to really show the growth of this artist. The Mixtape starts with a formillar song, Revenge of The Nerd. Which for those of you who checked King Lighty[ Which dropped late last year ] Your formillar with Lightys message-filled concepts. This song was debuted on the EP, but after another sick song it faded away to a bunch of pop records. The LP contines the mood with songs like Studio Gangsta and To Late feat Cole Thompson[ Lightys verse on that song is Classic.
 The mixtape keeps going with a song called Kush [ which is actually Dr.Dre's new single for his upcoming album.] After that you sent into a roller coaster of emotions, from the song titled " Anywhere " Where C.Lighty talks about being suicidal and people saying he couldn't do it. Then hit with two songs from the EP [ Crazy and I like the way which adds a different fell to the mixtape.] To a song titled help, where C.Lighty raps about how he sometimes regrets his decision to rap because he fells Satin is plotting his death, form their we enter I need a Doctor feat Skylar Gray, which is a INCREDIBLE Song and filled with great lyrics and wordplay. The Mixtape heads toward its end with the ONLY pop song on the mixtape, Can't Stop Me. A New INCREDIBLE club song titled Sin for a Minute. Then, the mixtape ends with the best lyrics on the entire mixtape in the song, I Believe I can Fly" They Told Me I couldn't do it, I use their hate as fucking fluid.".


Final Rating: B

Final Thoughts: The LP is a great mixtape, and I've already listen to the thing a few times and has yet to grow tired of any of the songs. One thing I like about this kid is he keeps you guessing, from the stand-point that his mixtapes don't sound repetitive, theirs a song on here that attacks every emotion. What I also found interesting was the fact that, Lighty seemed to find his sound on this mixtape. With the EP his sound was all-over the place, from a sweet and happy C.Lighty that sounded like Asher Roth in a little Tupac to the depressed Lighty that sounded like Modern day Eminem. When I listen to the LP, I hear one artist, not Tupac or Asher roth, maybe a little Eminem. But overall, I hear C.Lighty.


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